In conjunction with the town’s Green Day events, the Hammonton Police Department will be hosting a Prescription Drug collection on 9/19/2020 from 9am till 12pm. This will take place at the Hammonton Education Foundation Recycling Central site (Mt. Carmel Grounds 3rd & French). It is not hosted at the municipal building.
Hammonton residents are asked to bring their unwanted prescription drugs to the collection site in a bag that can be inspected by the officer managing the collection for proper disposal.
The Hammonton Police Department has participated in medication collection initiatives for years. The drug collection box that we had affixed in our lobby was being improperly used and had almost life threatening consequences. Since we have suspended the program, we will be hosting designated dates to accept unused, unwanted, and expired medications from our residences so they may be safely disposed.
An officer will supervise the collection of those accepted medication items to be disposed.
We will be accepting: Pills, Capsules, Patches, Pet medication.
We WILL NOT be accepting: Syringes (needles), liquids, or Powders,
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has labeled prescription drug abuse an epidemic. CDC reports that the majority of drug overdose deaths, more than six out of ten, involve an opioid. The number of overdose deaths involving opioids, including prescription opioid pain relievers and heroin, has nearly quadrupled since 1999. More than 78 people per day are dying from overdoses of opioid medications. Two in Five teenagers believe prescription drugs are “much safer” than illegal drugs. Every day in the U.S. 2,500 youths take a prescription pain reliever for the purpose of getting high for the first time. Cleaning out medicine cabinets will reduce the number of prescriptions available for abuse.
The Hammonton Police Department is in support of this initiative as it is removing unwanted prescription drugs from the hands of juveniles and persons that should not be in possession of them. It is a way of assisting the community in taking responsibility for removing these dangerous drugs from their homes if they are not being used accordingly. Unused prescription drugs thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused or illegally sold. Unused drugs that are flushed contaminate the water supply. Proper disposal of prescription drugs saves lives and protects the environment.
The AMCC challenges families to take the Five-Step American Medicine Chest Challenge:
• Take inventory of your prescription and over-the-counter medicine.
• Secure your medicine chest.
• Dispose of your unused, unwanted, and expired medicine in your home
• Take your medicine(s) exactly as prescribed.
• Talk to your children about the dangers of prescription drug abuse.
For more information about JTAC please visit or call 609-272-0100
For more information, visit or call 609-909-7214.